May 20, 2008


(hand-sewn bindings!)

i've only assembled four so far, but i have enough supplies to make about twenty. email me ( if you're interested!

May 6, 2008

(not a poem)

i'm going to be making about twelve hand-assembled chapbooks of a bunch of my poems this week. they're $5, but i'll also accept really sweet trades! email me at if you're interested in buying/trading.

or, if you just want to exchange poems, i'd love to do that too. you can email me or just mail one/some my way:

erin berkowitz
198 tremont street, box #141
boston, ma 02116

i have a really sweet typewriter and will whip you up a poem to send right back. so fast!! promise.

i'm not sure anyone actually reads this, but thanks..!