September 7, 2009

Four Deleted Scenes from Noa Noa

SCENE I (Matamoe, Landscape with Peacocks)
A shot of the water, which is still and the color of gunmetal. It is
rainy today in Matamoe. Gauguin arrived recently on the island and
can be seen huddled under blue branches, feet buried in pink sand,
wondering what peacocks might look like de-feathered.
Most likely just like any other bird, de-feathered, he concludes.

SCENE II (Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?)
He addresses his diary once, thou mysterious world. In this entry he
says the women smell like vegetables. Fragrant, fragrant. I do not
miss the yellow house, he writes. He does not even miss Vincent.

SCENE III (And the Gold of Their Bodies)
Gauguin can be seen picking gardenia petals for monoi with four young
native women, all in white sarongs. He addresses the youngest one.
GAUGUIN: I helped build the Panama Canal, vous savez.
She does not know what Panama is. She does know what a canal is, but
she does not speak French.

SCENE IV (In The Vanilla Grove, Man and Horse)
A man looks downward. A horse looks downward. A figure is hiding
behind two shrubs shaped like wings.
He sits to paint his last painting. He does not know it will be the
last. He had hoped his last one would be the last. But this is his