December 21, 2008

Lunch, the Day Before Thanksgiving (Revised)

My grandmother’s skin hangs looser on her arms
than I remember. She tugs down fleece sleeves
when she notices I’m looking.
My soup has cooled, my spoon
forgotten and limp
among the onions.

Outside, vacant docks
line the Navesink in blank Autumn
and cold little houses huddled on a hill
remember the cobalts and cranberries
that painted their faces
in hungrier days.

Through the bright afternoon
picture window, I squint
over Sandy Hook toward Coney Island.
Brooklyn is tiny and fogged, delicate
from a distance—New Jersey
knows everything
through gray-tinted lenses.


jon-michael said...

hello - found this somewhere, somehow, and it is perfect because i just got into Emerson and you are at Emerson and i wanted to say hello.

because i might be at Emerson and do not know anything or anyone else or any any's.

right now i am nada,

but, i'm going into the writing program and all that. so, hello possible future classmate!

Erin said...

hey! prepare yourself for one large, strange experience that is emerson's wlp program. i'm graduating in may but if i could i would stay and take poetry classes (half for entertainment, half for writerly growth) forever and ever. what do you write?

jon-michael said...

ah! wonderful you responded... graduating in May? shucks... i am old, so old, old like tinder, and tin, and old like 24 undergrad... so i'm a bit nervous i'll be encroached by legions of 18 year olds. i suppose i write anything... but i want to go for teaching+English, something pragmatic like that. i am hoping other classmates can write like you, i do not wish to experience the gum of high school poetry and i'm-so-sad short stories again; and again. they expect to find an apt. from 6 hours away. i may be living in another state... it is all so unforward, like backwards.

if you were at all willing to share some Emersonian/Bostonian wisdom/winterly advice i'd be obliged if you would shoot me an IM! i mean this out of practical, and as above mentioned pragmatic matters... for instance: have i read everything taught at Emerson already, and why is the school named after a Charles rather than a Ralph... so disappointing! anyway to the chase:

my IM is=== torifica

many thanks!

Erin said...

i'd say emerson's writing classes consist of around 60% sad short story/sappy and terrible poem writers, and the rest are mediocre and sometimes quite wonderful. depends on the class. but! for the most part the teachers are awesome and i've gotten a lot out of that alone. (if you want to take poetry classes you must must must take john skoyles' and peter shippy's workshop classes. and chad reynolds' poetry lit class rules...)

are you starting in the fall? aren't there a lot of apartments that become available then? i think there are. good luck. don't live in allston. (cambridge rules. i would recommend cambridge over almost anywhere else. but that's just me)

charles < ralph, but charles is some communication disorders guy. emerson is big on that. i don't know much else. i am a bad emersonian.

i would be glad to shoot you an IM and talk emerson up, but unfortunately i am relatively computerless until around january 10th(traveling/enjoying/vacationing all over winter vacation). after that, though. we'll talk.